Panola Couty Code Enforcement

"Keeping Panola County beautiful and code compliant!"

About us

Panola County Mississippi derelict property and litter control ordinance. To control litter and uncleanliness of public and private properties that are a menace to public health, safety and general welfare of the community. Establishing penalties for violations. We are located at 245 Eureka Street Batesville, MS 38606 The code compliance officer is Lamario Lyons  662-209-0939


Property Inspections: The Panola County Code Enforcement division conducts regular inspections of properties to ensure compliance with local ordinances and regulations. This includes checking for derelict properties, overgrown vegetation, and other code violations.

Property inspections are an important tool used by local government to maintain safe and orderly communities by identifying and addressing potential code violations on properties within a given jurisdiction.

Litter Control: The division also works to prevent and address littering throughout the county. This may include organizing community clean-up events, enforcing litter laws, and educating residents on the importance of keeping the county clean.

The Litter Control division takes a proactive approach to maintaining a clean and litter-free county by organizing events, enforcing laws, and educating residents.

Derelict Property Abatement:

Derelict Property Abatement is the process of addressing and resolving abandoned or neglected properties in order to improve the safety and appearance of a community.


Lamario Lyons

245 Eureka Street Batesville, 38606-2608


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